I don’t do much graphic design anymore, basically just collateral for Mota Italic. But on the occasion of the 12th Mumbai Typostammtisch, I had the pleasure to create a logo and bit of branding for the evening. And this must be my most successful piece so far, because it received the more online trolling than anything else I’ve ever done (it makes me think of that quote about how if you aren’t pissing people off you are being interesting…). Many people wrote to us wherever we posted these logos to point out our stupidity. To be fair, they didn’t seem unhappy with the design but with the transliteration… In any case, this was my favorite exchange on Instagram that illustrates the issue:
Mikhail Mehrotra
I am sorry but aren’t you a typography firm that also does Indic fonts?? How can you then Transliterate Typonight as “टुपोनाईट”??? Shouldn’t it be “टायपोनाईट”???? Typo in a Typography firm’s post. What an irony!
Mota Italic
Hi @mikhailmehrotra! This spelling is intentional – it’s derived from the German pronunciation (Tupo), as is the group’s name: Typostammtisch / टुपोस्टाम्मटिश / too-poe-shtaam-tish.
Mikhail Mehrotra
But that’s clearly a lost cause, because it is not clear from the artwork/ creative. If the people that follow you, already know about it, then it’s okay. Anyway, Thanks!
The logos were made in Glyphs and exported as a font. Here you can see the whole thing combined (as it was drawn), but then I also separated each component into their own glyphs so they can be easily colored and layered individually.
It even had a little animation!
Higher resolution version here (9.4mb)
Oh also, the party was fun!