After many long months of coding, designing, and bureaucratic paper work, Mota Italic is finally online and open for business! We have worked hard to bring you some great font families and a special shopping experience. The website features numerous images and samples of the fonts and a totally unique shopping cart and checkout process.
.@karipatila Oh yeah, the portable sauna has made a comeback in a big way in Germany
Oh my god Becky, seriously the Museum of Things (Museum der Dinge) is like totally the most raddest place in Berlin.
I know we both like type. If you are anything like me then you probably also have a slight addiction to following the latest updates and buzz in “the industry”. Us type geeks/nerds (pick your own adjective) tend to be rather social online – or at least interested in others’ posts. This leads to such a daily torrent of type news that it can become overwhelming to follow everything. Reading the important stories, then sorting through all the duplicate content to find those extra special nuggets is a chore. So a couple months ago Sonja and I started working on an aggregator to help deliver us the best type-related news with less work, in a way that is easier to skim and also more fun to browse. Meet Type News.
This topic might not be of interest to everyone, so feel free to tune out in just a moment if the next sentence doesn’t sound cool. Brahmi Computing has announced their new concept in Indian keyboard layout and functionality!
What is happening here?